
Organized by Faculty of Arts. The award-winning works of Global Youth Chinese Literary Award

Autres expositions de Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

Nàng Tự Do – 園泉越營藝穗檔案及越南船民在香港的痕跡 Nàng Tự Do – The archive of Art In the Camps (Garden Streams) and the traces of Vietnamese boatpeople in Hong Kong 


Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

中大藝術2021 The Art of CUHK 2021


Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

岐黃古籍展新姿 ── 莊兆祥教授藏中醫善本古籍展覽 A New Look at Chinese Medicine Classics: An Exhibition of the Rare Book Collection from Professor Cheung Siu-cheong

Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

風雅傳承: 香港開埠以來古典詩文文獻展 A Splendid Century of Classical Chinese Prose and Poetry in Hong Kong

Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

曲水回眸:小思眼中的香港 Looking Back at the Meandering Waters: Hong Kong in the Eyes of Xiao Si