
Organized by Faculty of Arts. The award-winning works of Global Youth Chinese Literary Award

Autres expositions de Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

南來文人‧人文來南––嶺南文人與百年香江文教展 Southbound Intellectuals and Their Legacy: Lingnan Literati’s Contribution to a Century of Hong Kong Education


Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

道外‧道內:清代道教經典及科儀經籍展覽 Daoism Outside / Inside: An Exhibition on Daoist Scriptures and Ritual Texts of the Qing Dynasty

Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

武藝薪傳:螳螂拳黃漢勛宗師與『新武化』運動藏品展 Praying Mantis School Master WONG Hon Fan and the Martial Arts Revitalisation Movement

Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

坐忘.香港:姚克的戲劇因緣 A Forgotten Memory of Hong Kong: Yao Ke and Modern Drama


Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

樂貫中西:香港中文大學圖書館 卞趙如蘭教授珍藏展 East-West Connection in Music: An Exhibition of the Rulan Chao Pian Collection
