
I remember music in the 80’s and 90’s, we used to listen to a song on the radio, discover a song in a music video or through a cassette tape a friend had bought. We would then, on our cassette recorder make a MIXTAPE, it could either be for yourself or for a friend or someone you liked. Sometimes we would wait by the radio for hours for the song that you liked to come up so you could start recording on tape. You could also call the DJ and if you were lucky you could ask for them to play the song, so the chances of getting the whole song recorded was higher. You would meticulously for hours, sometimes days find the right songs for your Mixtape.
It was a way to tell someone something you felt or wanted to share. This tape would be very special and would be listened to for many times, until it would break and curl and would be repaired until the songs became part of your life, some sort of soundtrack.
It’s a mix of ideas, lived stories, made up ones; all printed on canvas, inspired by music.
We do the same thing now just in a different way. We have limitless songs and you can find them in a high speed manner. So we make playlists and share them, just like before. Sometimes you wish you had more time to listen to so many songs.
I bought myself a Walkman and will be traveling with a few mixtapes and listen to the same songs for a while. Try to slow down a bit ...
"I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music ... I get most joy in life out of music." Albert Einstein.
“When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.” ― Henry David Thoreau
I listened to this MIXTAPE with a machine that measures your brain frequencies to see how depending on the song the frequencies changed ....

Other exhibitions by Floria Gonzalez

Floria Gonzalez

La Casa del Tiempo Roto

Floria Gonzalez

Painting series

Floria Gonzalez