Sogdians (6th-8th centuries) - Silk Road Traders

The Sogdian people were originally from an area now associated with eastern Iranian but were later concentrated in Central Asia, with Samarkand as the main city. Literally straddling the ancient silk roads, many became traders and settled in communities throughout Asia, but especially in China. Wherever they went, they took their language, culture and traditions with them. In the 8th century their civilization became eclipsed by the Muslim conquests in the West and by their association an unsuccessful rebellion in China.
The exhibition examines their experience from the 6th-8th century. It tells their lives from forty-five beautiful pieces chosen from fifteen museums (as well as four private collections and three different caves). The exhibition is accompanied by an eLibrary with access to over twenty-five (free online) publications on Sogdian culture and civilization.

Weitere Ausstellungen von SilkRoadVirtualMuseum


Northern Song and Yuan Dynasty, China (1235/1271-1379) - Art


Tang Dynasty China. Room One: Art


Tang Dynasty China. Room Two: Mirrors


Byzantium (5th-10th centuries ). Room One: Mosaics


Byzantium ( 5th-10th centuries ). Room Two: Ivory