Eternal Spinning Game 5D

Inspired by the "Dualism" and " The Law of Existence"; every "asymmetrical" and "symmetrical" shapes and forms that have ever been or will be created in every dimension of the universe, they all exist in the "now moment", forever...

Every symmetrical and asymmetrical spectrum of emotions; sadness, grief, anger or maybe happiness, joyfulness... All expressions or creations keep spinning in the universe right here, right now... Eternal Spinning Game 5D collection.

The intention behind the creation of the artworks Moodyink creates is to remind people or audience to be brave enough to be curious, asking questions, allowing the childlike wonder. A big smile of perfectionism which is an illusion. Reminder of embracing the asymmetrical and symmetrical shapes, forms within; or accepting imperfections of the inner and outer landscape with a playful approach.

Autres expositions de Moodyink


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Pineal Light Colors' Dance
