
Organisé par :

Mauro Perucchetti


Mauro Perucchetti channels a minimal approach to painting through an expansive yet controlled use of colour, brush and medium. Working in pigment, oil paint, and mixed media, Mauro interrogates the fundamentals of painting, using luscious compositions of textual forms. The paintings manifest as parallel strata, their horizons exploring suggestions of landscape and atmosphere through the viscosity of oil or the granular texture of other material added to the paint.

Mauro’s work is both abstract and minimalistic - in monochromatic, pure pigment works, vivid colour is applied to his panels, whose baroque contortions appear like extreme close-ups of a painter’s ridged and furrowed palette. Uniting his practice is an attempt to further the language of abstraction through discrete and measured interventions, which both disrupt and activate the surfaces and spaces he inhabits.

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I have just finished a series of artworks, which although are not quite sculptures they definitely are three-dimensional paintings.

This makes me think of Enrico Castellani and the beautifully simple description he gave to some of his works: SUPERFICI (SURFACES). These are unchartered territories, which the viewer can explore at will and marvel at the fact that they never look the same twice.

Depending on the light washing the three-dimensional surfaces of the paintings the viewer can literally get lost in a sea of colors and in the shadows and highlights created by the topography of the organic textures.

All abstract, some more minimalist and some more abstract expressionist, all are what you make of them but also all carry a distinct signature which make it difficult not to recognize the artist’s sensibility as well.

Mauro Perucchetti

Autres expositions de Mauro Perucchetti