Climate: Contemporary Landscape in Flux


Organisé par :

RHAA Gallery

衍景 Climate: Contemporary Landscape in Flux

The Research House for Asian Art is proud to present Climate: Contemporary Landscape in Flux

Landscapes are the universally favored form of capturing the world around us. The epic frescoes of Ancient Rome, the mist shrouded mountains of the Song Dynasty, the Oxbow: these historically significant landscapes share a common fascination with the serene and the majestic -- a classic tension that romanticizes the natural world through philosophy imparted by its appreciation. The historic popularity of landscape paintings led to the categorization of landscape as a genre versus that of conceptual direction - consequently many of the works we associate with the term landscape are traditional paintings.

This exhibition explores the possibilities of landscape from a conceptual perspective beyond the romance of natural manifestation. We proudly present artists Chenlin Cai, Gloria Fan Duan, Percy Lam, Sujin Moon, Haomin Peng, Meejung Soh, and Ilkwon Yoon, whose works exemplify a fluid consideration of landscape as informed by political, social, and cultural conditions.

我們透過對身邊風景的捕獲形成對周圍世界的感知。 從古羅馬的史詩壁畫,到宋代的風景畫,再到托馬斯·科爾的牛軛湖,這些富有歷史意義的風景畫與本身寧靜而雄偉的自然景像有著共通的魅力。 藝術家在畫作中融入的個人思考為大自然增添了浪漫的色彩。 從古至今山水畫的流行致使人們將山水歸總為一種流派,而不是作為一個概念。 因此,人們經常把有關「山水」的作品與傳統繪畫連結在一起。 《衍景 Climate: Contemporary Landscape in Flux》集合了七位藝術家從社會,文化和政治的角度討論山水作為概念的變化。

此次展覽將於2月18日至5月31日在亞洲藝術研究所和 Kunstmatrix 的線上平台開幕。 我們誠摯地邀請您參加我們2月的線上討論會,與芝加哥藝術學院的嘉賓和藝術家進行一場思想上的碰撞!

此次展覽將於12月18日在亞洲藝術研究所的線上平台開幕,此次展覽將持續至5月31日。 我們誠摯地邀請您參加我們2月的線上討論會,與芝加哥藝術學院的嘉賓和藝術家進行一場思想上的碰撞!

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