2020 Free Fall: Jamie Levine

Artist Jamie Levine is currently exhibiting her sculptures, photographs and paintings in the Hostetter Gallery. The exhibition titled 2020 Free Fall picks up where science leaves off, fusing the animal with the human. Levine’s hybrid creatures are vulnerable, whimsical, and can act as lighting rods for the viewer’s catharsis. Although grotesque, they appear utterly real. Questions seem to issue from their parted lips: “If I could talk, what would I say?” “Are you, as humans, ready to listen?” Levine has said about her own work “I make art to impact the larger world beyond the fine art world. If my art won’t in some small way change the world, then why should I make it?” Reflecting on how much has changed this year, Levine created a body of work responding to the pandemic and the anxiety and fear that has come with it. Viewers will see how real-life events can affect and redirect an artist’s work. The exhibition will be on view through January 15, 2021.

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