Shades Of Sensuality

Shades Of Sensuality invites visitors to take the female sensual perspective in nude photography. Tina Trumpp is one of the few women in this field to create a personal style in which female nude is more than just a motif. Her pictures are an ode to women and their sensitive beauty. Trumpp's seductive images on the one hand trigger sensual narratives, but at the same time remind one of wonderful visual worlds of the great Renaissance painters. In her very own way, she takes the viewer on an erotically sensual journey through her portfolio - carried by feminine romantic emotions and sensations. The present is blended with the viewer's fantasies and dream images of femininity and eroticism - not as a superficial pin-up representation, but rather immersed in the visual world of the female body in painting.

Tina Trumpp's photos are full of classic elegance and breathtaking beauty, their distinctive visual language, whether in color or black and white, make these photos unique in contemporary nude photography.

Autres expositions de TINA TRUMPP

