Goth Kids

This brief photo essay was created over about 2 hours a very long
time ago (2008). Well. It’s a long time ago for me. My oldest
son, Nicholas, came home from SUNY, Stoneybrook with some
friends for a weekend. They came in full Goth attire. Black
clothing, dark make up, a statement of personal identity. A thumb
in the literal eye of authority. It’s not that they were
confrontational or even unpleasant; just taciturn and self-contained.

The images were first shown at my first NYC solo show (We Were
Only Freshmen) at Fountainheads Gallery (then at 7th and 28th
St.) Like, many places and things, the Gallery is long gone.

Nicholas, Rob, Jessie, Annabelle, Christine:

Nicholas is a licensed architect working in New York City.

Rob got a degree in Pharmacology.

Christine and Annabelle are off my radar.

Jessie died of an overdose less than two years after these photos.

Author & Photographer Timothy Dingman.

Catalog Book Available on Amazon.

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