2024 Imaginarium WAS Hangzhou Grade 7 to Grade 11

Wycombe Abbey School Hangzhou proudly presents the virtual gallery exhibition The Nature of Creativity. This collaboration between our Kindergarten, Lower School, and Upper School presents the best students’ works produced during the 2023-24 school year’s art courses.

As you will appreciate during your visit, our students worked using a wide range of media and methods to achieve stunning results across all grades, challenging themselves to keep raising the creative bar for their artwork. It has been extremely difficult to pick just one work for each student, as many of them completed more than one noteworthy piece.

We invite you to explore and discover all the creations showcased in this year’s virtual collection that stands as a testament to the dedication, talent, and imaginative spirit of our students at Wycombe Abbey School Hangzhou. As you navigate through The Nature of Creativity and appreciate the limitless possibilities of artistic expression, we hope you are as inspired and moved by our students' artworks as we have been witnessing them coming to life.

The exhibition's soundtrack is an original composition, “Fantacy” by Jhonny Wei, a highly promising musical talent from our G8 cohort.

Thank you for joining us in celebrating our students’ artistic journeys and achievements.

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