Where We Are Group Exhibition

Li Tang Gallery presents Where We Are, an online group show from July 1 to August 31, 2024. This exhibition showcases the works of four artists, focusing on multiple art media and forms of presentation while exploring the state of "in between." As curator Nakashima indicates, this "in-between" state lies in "comfort and discomfort, life and lifelessness, meaning and meaninglessness, and the legible and illegible."

As a curator with a rich history of working as a multimedia artist both within and beyond the United States, Yukiko Nakashima has had the privilege of engaging with diverse artistic expressions and cultural contexts. Her curatorial work focuses on creating a platform for discussion initiated by the exhibiting artists’ works, which are based on lived experiences and perceptions. These works, in turn, invite viewers to reflect on their own narratives. This approach diversifies both the artists and the types of works presented while examining how the selected works convey the essence of each message effectively in its unique way.

Where We Are

July 1 – August 31, 2024

Yukiko Nakashima

Inna Babaeva
Kenta Furusho
Julia Wagner
Yukiko Nakashima

Art Director
Webson Ji

Li Tang Gallery

Asian Art Contemporary
Art America China Project

About Curator
Yukiko Nakashima is a New York-based artist and curator who has an extensive history of exhibitions in the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Born in Hiroshima, Japan, and immigrated to the United States as a child, her abstract paintings reflect multiculturalism, diversity, and psychological matters. She received an MFA from Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey in 2003. Her work has been shown in group and solo exhibitions at Li Tang Gallery, New York; the Clemente, New York; James Baird Gallery, Newfoundland, Canada; Foggy Bottom Arts Center, Washington D.C.; Evergreen Museum & Library, Baltimore; Fieza Projects, London, White Column, New York and Hpgrp Gallery, New York, to name a few. She is also a founding member of AAI (Arts Action Initiative), an artist collective that brings together contemporary voices on social and cultural issues through exhibitions and public programs.


If you have any questions, please reach out to info@litanggallery.com.

Where We Are is held and organized for the purpose of promoting artists' artworks and projects. The Li Tang Gallery team will not be involved in any events of sales for artworks from the exhibition. All sales inquiries will be redirected to the selected artists. However, the Li Tang Gallery team and curator Yukiko Nakashima will require permission from the selected artists to the usage of their artwork images for promotional purposes.

(Project supported by Li Tang Curation Program)

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