The first struggle you have to deal with after being born is the fact that you are one.
But no sooner do you get a fleeting sense of what this could mean that you realise
we are many.

Being alone and being in community induce two completely different sets of experiences
and behaviours. Be it concerning inward or outward perceptions.

In this second exhibition, Gaspard Noël artificially explores a wide range of possible meanings which appear whenever humans interact. Given he is always alone when shooting his «multiple» self-portraits, his characters never actually meet. Yet, it seems almost impossible not to see them communicate together.

Although his technique is identical to the one he used for his precedent exhibition «Wild?»,
the result is opposite: where there was sensation, here you have nararation.
One human can just be.
Two can’t.
Two can’t help but tell a story.
Play. Coordination. Imitation. Conflict. Difference. Harmony. Domination.
Distrust. Respect. Duty. Shame. Learning. Competition. Pride. Hope.

The artist’s work follow life’s breath.
From interoception to exteroception.
A cycle forward.
Rolling about the paved road which aims at and is being human.

Autres expositions de Gaspard Noël

Gaspard Noël


Gaspard Noël


Gaspard Noël