Featuring some of the artist’s most iconic «single» self-portraits,this dematerialized exhibition investigates the nature of human kind.
By experiencing the world in the most candid and direct way with his bare body,
he invites us to question behind screens our own perception of what is natural.

These self-portraits are meant to be imaginary mirrors.
Windows through which we can project ourselves and wonder:
Is there any part of us there?
Is there any part of me?
Which part?

Is it the arrogance of filling every last possible patch of land with humans?
Or the symbiotic beauty of a creature inhabiting the womb it was created within?

Is it the bliss of surrendering to our sensations?
Or the resistance we oppose against harsh conditions?

Is it the relief of not carrying anything anymore but our skin and bones?
Or the inevitavility of cultural biases that goes along everything we see and do?

Surely humanity contains it all.
Are we not the most unrestrained of species?
Nude against a rock or drinking coffee in front of a computer.
This is us.

One way to be wild.
And seven billions variations.
Yearning to live together.

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Gaspard Noël


Gaspard Noël


Gaspard Noël