融會中國與西方:香港中文大學圖書館所藏近代早期西方漢學要籍 Bringing Together China and the West: Books of Early Modern Western Sinology in the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library



The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) was envisaged as “a two-arched bridge between the past and the present, the East and the West.” While conflict arguably outweighed collaboration during the second half of the nineteenth century, the much longer span of time between the Ming and early Qing-dynasties saw an encounter between our two great traditions that took place on a much more equal-footing.

The encounter is visible in the books published in this period, which the CUHK Library has been collecting. These books highlight the most important areas of mutual interest in early China-Western relations, which to a large extent mirror the modern faculties and departments of our University. Using the Library’s growing collection of rare books, this exhibition shows how the geographical and cultural distance between China and Europe was bridged. As such, it invites visitors to consider the overlapping and connected Chinese and Western origins of many of the most dynamic areas of our modern University, from the study of China’s philosophy and earliest dynastic history, to biomedical science and mechanical engineering.


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