Contemporary Quilts-Modern and Improvisational


Curated by:

Menino Arts Center

Contemporary Quilts, Modern and Improvisational.

Jurors: Susan Thompson,
Napolean Jones-Henderson,

“Contemporary”: off-the-grid, off-center, minimalist, asymmetrical, high contrast, negative space focus, free-motion style. (No traditional fixed pattern)

This exhibition features 42 quilts made by 28 quilters from 19 neighborhoods and towns surrounding Boston. It features quilts as large as 96" x 72", and as small as 9" x 11". We hope you enjoy the wide variety of work you see represented here.


Quilting reflects a choice to work in a medium that is counterculturally and lusciously slow. It can be practiced as a communal activity and single quilts can involve the work of one to many quilters.

Improv quilting calls upon the quilter to start with a few fabrics and an idea or two about shapes to work with, and then to work intuitively, not following a preconceived idea about how the finished quilt will look. The final image is achieved through the physical interaction with fabric in a process that is meditative, engaging, and centering.

Improv quilting allows for individual expression that is less encumbered by art world expectations. It embraces materials ranging from new to upcycled, used fabrics, and anything that can be sewn, glued, or otherwise attached to the quilt surface.

The rich tradition of quilting, still predominantly, though not exclusively, practiced by women, produces quilts that are warm, soft, and bring comfort and quilts that embody powerful social commentary.

Curated by Sasja Lucas,

Co-Curator, Mary Harman, Instagram at @maryharma

Adrienne Sloane
Barbara Adele Fritz-Elliott Beverly Arsem
Chris Fitch and Lils Romero Christle Rawlins-Jackson Cynthia Laing
Erica S Nazzaro
Gail Pettiford Willett
Judith Lebow
Lesyslie Rackard
Liz Gray
Liz Hardy
L’Merchie Frazier
Marge Tucker
Mary Harman
Mary McCusker and Phyllis Bluhm and Mary Harman and Terry Boutelle
Nancy Crasco
Pat McSweeney
Patricia Shinn Wojtowicz Susan Strouse
Tamara Safford
Tricia Deck
Valerie Maser-Flanagan Virginia Holloway
Wit Lopez

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