荷 Water Lily




Water lily, or lotus, is a plant that originates from China and carries profound symbolic meaning in traditional Chinese culture. It could be a symbol of a dignified gentleman, or an emblem of the sacred and pure incarnations in Buddhism. There have been numerous pieces of art depicting lotus throughout history. Adopting a curation approach to featuring open educational resources, the exhibition showcases a selection of artworks choosing lotus as the subject, illuminating how lotus has been represented diversely in different historical and cultural contexts.

First, the exhibition sets out to guide students in exploring the symbolic meaning of plants in traditional Chinese culture, as well as diverse ways of presentation in depicting lotus in ancient and contemporary artworks. Through appreciating these pieces, students will know more about different social and cultural contexts in which the artworks were produced, the aesthetic values embodied in these works, and varied painterly styles of the artists.

Second, the exhibition intends to enhance students’ observation skills and creativity through drawing inspiration from their surroundings. With the power of imagination, varied artists have offered diverse representations of lotus in their artworks. Further, the exhibition aims to engage students in exploring all kinds of images and meanings of lotus of our times.

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