小人物‧大英雄 Ordinary People・Extraordinary Heroes

● 過去到現在,當我們說到「英雄」二字,一般人腦袋浮現的多半都是高大威猛、能力超越常人、萬夫莫敵的景象。但其實英雄,並不是要能力超群、萬夫莫敵才叫英雄;任何擁有遠大目標,並且付諸實踐,不怕失敗,不怕挫折,在困境中依然堅定意念、懷抱希望、勇往直前的人,就是真正的英雄。說到這裡,問一問自己: 誰是我的英雄? 我又是不是一名英雄呢?

From the past to the present, when we talk about the word "hero", most people's minds are tall and mighty, surpassing ordinary people, and invincible. But in fact, a hero is not a hero who needs to be superb or invincible; anyone who has ambitious goals and puts them into practice, is not afraid of failure, not afraid of setbacks, and still has a firm mind, hopes, and moves forward in a difficult situation is a real person. Hero. Having said that, ask yourself: Who is my hero? Am I a hero?

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