民國時期及香港的兒童讀物 Children's Literature in the Minguo Period (1912-1949) and in Hong Kong

This exhibition, "Children's Literature in the Minguo Period (1912-1949) and in Hong Kong", brings together children's readers published in Hong Kong and those published during the Minguo Period (1912-1949) in China so as to provide an overview on the development of Chinese children's literature as well as the close connection between Hong Kong children's literature and modern Chinese children's literature. The CUHK Library has selected various titles of journal and book published between 1920s and 1960s in China and Hong Kong to share with our readers the Chinese children's literature in a regional context.

Other exhibitions by Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

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Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

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Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

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Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

坐忘.香港:姚克的戲劇因緣 A Forgotten Memory of Hong Kong: Yao Ke and Modern Drama


Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

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