Forlorn | by Bri Vermeer

My experience is that my family functions first and foremost as a unit of grief and remembrance.
We are “​verloren hoop”​ : the advance guard.

A lost, forlorn heap.

My work makes monuments of sentimental items: this knitted, patchwork blanket — crafted years ago by my Oma Vermeer-Honingh — holds memories, experience, and age within its knots. Large-scale oil paintings situate it within an ambiguously rendered environment while small prints and tiny watercolour paintings crafted as detailed tokens, serve as a reminder that it is not necessarily the place that provides meaning, but the memories of the space you carry with you.

Other exhibitions by OCADU


mihyun maria kim


Life Forms From Death by: Maria Rutigliano


Athena Nemeth


Common Collective: Claire Heidinger & Natia Lemay