The Story Tellers: Sol Hill, Deborah Masters, Stewart Nachmias, John A. O'Connor & Lou Tavelli curated by Anthony Haden-Guest


Curated by:

Affiliated Artists Initiatives

This group show is truly post-Post-Modernist in that no glue of theory connects these five artists, there’s no Ism is budding here, just the felt awareness that each artist is drawing from a well of meaning, using storytelling as a scaffold for their work. It is a given that you, the viewer, are not required to decode the meanings, interpret the stories, but the work is the deeper for their presence.
From Lou Tavelli’s cave paintings of the original man to Sol Hill’s dissolving “metagraphs”, from Deborah Masters giant spirit sculptures to Stewart Nachmias’ narrative prints and finishing with John A. O’Connor’s actual "corrective curriculum" textbook, each artist explores their own respective myths and stories and, like Homer, recites the ancient poem in their own native artist tongues.
--Anthony Haden-Guest

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