Maurizio D'Andrea: Fragments of Psychic Energy

Every psychological phenomenon can be interpreted as a manifestation of energy, a principle that finds its most eloquent visual expression through art. In this realm, akin to natural processes, the existence of opposing tensions creates a potential that can release at any moment as a flow of energy, constantly transforming, adapting, and materializing. Carl Gustav Jung defined this vital force as Libido, a fundamental psychic energy that, when encountering obstacles in its path of adaptation, turns to art, thus tracing its history. D’Andrea, internationally recognized for his abstract and symbolic painting works, felt an urgent need to explore and unify the opposites of human existence. This process led him to delve into the theories of the unconscious by Freud and Jung, establishing a direct dialogue with the depths of the human psyche through his art.
In Turin, Italy, in May 2023, a city where painters, writers, poets, and architects meet, cradle of cinema and technological innovation, he founded, in the prestigious AccorsiArte gallery, a new artistic movement: the RADICAL INTROVERSIVE ARTISTIC MOVEMENT. In the world of the digital Metaverse, where virtual reality risks suffocating and causing us to lose our identity, the new movement aims to propose an art that captures our psyche on canvas, through abstract, informal painting, devoid of well-defined lines, shapes, and objects, allowing the unification and liberation of our personal and collective unconscious, an art in which the protagonists of the creative process are the author, the work, and all those who engage in dialogue with it. D’Andrea exhibits his works around the world in collective and private exhibitions, sparking immense interest and garnering numerous awards and accolades.
The exhibition "Fragments of Psychic Energy" is the result of this long research: fifteen abstract-symbolic canvases that capture the essence of that psychic energy, enriched with elements of neurosis, symbols, archetypes, and texts. These works are the result of a deeply instinctive and gestural creative process, where each spontaneous movement on canvas becomes an expression of personal emotions, fears, and inner forces. D'Andrea, with his art, explores the concept of suffering as an intrinsic component of a meaningful life. His creations are permeated with a sense of movement and internal energy that reflects the universality of human experience. His ability to express through art the energy of the unconscious attests to the power of artistic expression to transcend mere visual representation, touching the deepest chords of human existence. In this context, Maurizio D'Andrea's art reveals itself as a bridge between the inner world and outward expression, a means to explore the depths of the human soul and to share these discoveries with the outside world. His painting thus becomes a visual narration of the complexity of human experience, offering viewers the opportunity to reflect on their own psyche and the universal dynamics that unite us all.