
Curated by:

Christine ROBION's latest novel "La Galeriste de Thessalonique" – published by Cent Mille Milliards - tells the story of Mirca Angel, who in the 80s opened the Galerie Pléiades in Athens and offered Robion her first major exhibition. Mirca died in 2007. Athens seems to have kept no trace, neither of Mirca Angel nor of her art gallery.

« … There were seven of them, the Pleiades, all daughters of Atlas and an Oceanid. Mirca was the youngest of a family of girls. She always told me that she was proud to be Greek. The name Mirca comes neither from ancient Greek nor Byzantine Greek. The eldest was called Maïa, the second Celeno, the youngest was not called Merope but Carolina, and no one ever called her by her real name... »

As author and visual artist Robion brings together fragments of texts, simple signs juxtaposed on the canvas like so many extras of the world whose importance only survives through the memories they evoke. 17 works Robion created between 1990 and 2024 complete the novel.

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