Gallery Artists XXI


Curated by:

Walter Wickiser Gallery

Art has always been a part of my life. As the son of artist parents, I felt the aesthetics of music and painting were constants and always a source of beauty, solace, and inspiration.

My father was the American artist, Ralph Wickiser, whose contemporaries included Woodstock and Pratt Institute artists such as Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Franz Kline, Jacob Lawrence and Barnet Newman. With the artistic vision of my father and his associates, who were at the forefront of modern art, I developed a strong sense of painting, especially of abstraction.

In the late 1980s, this artistic constant became my vocational pursuit. I formally became an art dealer. The early days were illuminating in many ways. For one, I worked with Chinese dealers from mainland China for the first time, and I soon became fascinated with Asian art.

When I started my own gallery in 1992, I found my own direction. My own vision was now much influenced by Asian art and the western sensibilities of my father and his contemporaries. I wanted to intermingle American and Asian painters to create a dialectic of art between these cultures - an exploration to understand and appreciate the intersections and incredible dualities.

Since 2000 my focus has become more international because with the advent of the internet we have all truly become globalized. This year marks the thirtyfirst year since the gallery’s founding in 1992. I hope you will enjoy this selection of my artists showing Eastern, Western and European influences.

Walter Wickiser

New York, Summer 2023

Other exhibitions by Walter Wickiser Gallery

Walter Wickiser Gallery



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Gallery Artists Part XX
