Indigenous Mothering

"Aanii, Misko binees Disnikaaz, Wikwemikoong Doongabaa, Crane Clan doodem. I say this in my language because it’s an act of reclaiming, reconnecting to what I have that was missed in my life.

I grew up off-reserve in a town called Sudbury and It wasn’t until I moved back home that I was able to learn about my community, learn about teachings and lessons, and most importantly to learn about myself. I grew up with a single Indigenous mother and when I was with in Danielle Khan Da Silva’s Mentorship program (Reclaim Power - Mentorship for Revolutionary Leaders) back in 2020 and really immersed myself in my path of self discovery in reflection, boundary-setting, returning to myself, surrendering to what is, setting goals to break some cycles, and what that looked like for myself and my future generations.

In my reflection process, I have come to see what colonial society has done to Indigenous people (I won't go into much detail because I think we have all by now witnessed the cultural genocide and oppression Indigenous people have faced and will continue to face, because of the residential school system, sterilization of Indigenous women, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and two-spirit people, land theft, 60’s scoop, and how today, kids are STILL being “scooped” and sent to foster homes away from their culture and family).

Now that I’m a mother to my first-born son, I know what it takes to become the person I know I can be and the person that can show up for him, myself and others. Today I share how others are living, learning and embracing the unknown of motherhood and caregiving. In many different ways we are grieving, learning, teachings, embracing, going with the flow, loving, caring and supporting our community, our children, our grandchildren, or loved ones and most importantly, ourselves. It’s the same but it looks a little different in many different ways. It’s beautiful, it's raw, its vulnerable, and it lives in our blood."

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Photographers Without Borders

