Claudi Sovrè z gosti: METAMORFOZE 1-3


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Tretja razstava Metamorfoz v treh letih napoveduje zaključek trilogije praktičnega dela magistrske naloge na Akademiji za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo Ljubljana ter hkrati 9. samostojno razstavo študenta kostumografije Claudija Sovreta (1994), tokrat z gostoma, ilustratorko Majo Poljanc (1989) ter multimedijskim umetnikom Nejcem Trampužem (1993).

Pri snovanju triptiha se navezuje na 3 izgubljena svetovna mesta, ki poimensko vlečejo vzporednice s 3 izgubljenimi slovenskimi diskotekami. Starodavni imperiji, ki so skozi leta postajali vedno večja območja greha, so čez noč zaradi naravnih katastrof povzročenih s strani božanskih sil, končali kot nenaseljen kup ruševin. Kaj se torej zgodi, ko civilizacija postane preveč opita s svojo močjo? Poigravanje z vprašanjem konca sveta kot ga poznamo pa se tokrat nanaša tudi na rapidni razvoj umetne inteligence, ki pri človeku vzbuja tako navdušenje kot strah.

Spletna razstava Metamorfoze 3: Paradise Lost bo od 18. maja dalje, skupaj s prvim in drugim delom, na ogled na portalu sodobne slovenske umetnosti Artopolis.

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Razstavo sofinancira VIST Fakulteta za aplikativne vede, za podporo pri nastajanju projekta pa se zahvaljujemo tudi Akademiji za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo Ljubljana ter mentoricama, prof. Janji Korun ter doc. mag. Tini Kolenik.


The third exhibition Metamorphoses in during three years of work heralds the conclusion of the trilogy of the practical part of the master's thesis at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television Ljubljana, and at the same time the 9th solo exhibition of costume design student Claudi Sovre (1994), this time with a guest, illustrator Maja Poljanc (1989) and a multimedia artist Nejce Trampuž (1993).

When creating the triptych, he refers to 3 lost world cities, which by name draw parallels with 3 lost Slovenian discotheques. Ancient empires, which over the years had become ever larger areas of sin, ended up as an uninhabited pile of ruins overnight due to natural disasters caused by divine forces. So what happens when a civilization becomes too intoxicated with its power? Playing with the question of the end of the world as we know it, this time also refers to the rapid development of artificial intelligence, which arouses both enthusiasm and fear in humans.

The online exhibition Metamorphoses 3: Paradise Lost will be on view from May 18, together with the first and second parts, on the portal of contemporary Slovenian art, Artopolis.

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The exhibition is co-financed by the VIST College of Applied Sciences. We would also like to thank the Ljubljana Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television and mentors, prof. Janji Korun and Assoc. M.Sc. Tina Kolenik.

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