
Curated by:

Arts4All Florida

Arts4All Florida is pleased to present “Unity,” an exhibition that brings artwork by artists with disabilities from across the state of Florida to celebrate at DiversAbilities Arts Festival in
Tampa, then into the serene halls of the Franciscan Center of Tampa, and finally, into this virtual exhibition. This exhibition is in itself a unification of artist and audience, introducing talented Floridians with people across the world via creative channels and unique opportunities. In “Unity,” we celebrate together – sharing the ways unity infuses our creativity, connecting us to ourselves more deeply, tying us to each other in community, and interlacing us within nature. These images of friendship and love between families and friends, of personal alignment and realization, and of immersion in nature draw our attention to the ways our artists with disabilities are integrally connected to themselves, our communities and our world.

Arts4All Florida strives to create a world in which the arts are universally accessible to all Floridians, and supports artists through programs that increase artistic and marketable skills, create new channels of communication, and elevate the visions of artists with disabilities.

For information about the artists and to purchase artwork in this exhibition, please contact Megan Boye at mboye@usf.edu.

Other exhibitions by Arts4All Florida

Arts4All Florida



Arts4All Florida

The Beauty of Life by Lora Duguay


Arts4All Florida

REFLECTIONS: The Art of Well-Being


Arts4All Florida

A Homage to Mother Nature by Adorable Monique


Arts4All Florida

Intuitive Abstractions by Cheryl Kinderknecht
