You Fall You Rise - Lara Aithal

You Fall, You Rise displays/exhibits my two series LIGHT and RISE, which are showing my journey of reconnecting with my inner light after a long time of finding myself in inner darkness. Along my way of relearning to trust my intuition and my inner guidance, I created, often unintentionally, deeply moving pieces that lifted my spirit up in return.

Most of the pieces in this exhibition are already sold. A few designated pieces are still available for sale. Message me if you are interested.

The LIGHT Series was created during a process of slowly allowing the good things to emerge out of phase of deep inner darkness. It is said that when you break, you’re only breaking open for the light to come in. It is the sentiment behind this statement that carried me through this phase.

The RISE Series is energetically related to the LIGHT Series, yet mirrors a completely different phase of my life. I was no longer in the dark, yet not quite in the light. There was a call to rise, and even though I didn’t understand it, I understood to follow it. RISE is, above all, about listening to your intuition.

Other exhibitions by Ikonospace


In The Pink - First Floor


Women by Helene Schjerfbeck


Human Quantum Flow - Loferrie


Galerie Falkenstern Fine Art


Between Skin and Bones - Marlene Bart