Progetto Accademie 2023-24 - D‘après


Curated by:

Galleria Piero Guccione

Rereading the classics of art in the wake traced by the painter Piero Guccione with the guidance - the words, the thought - handed down over the years to his closest pupils. This is the meaning of "Accademy Project", an initiative desired by the Piero Guccione Archive and which, for this first edition, involved the students of the Painting courses of the Fine Arts Academies of Catania and Catanzaro in Italy.

Eleven young artists accepted the invitation and, over the last few months, have deepened their knowledge of Piero Guccione art and production under the watchful eye of the project's teachers and coordinators - Prof. Giuseppe Puglisi (in Catania) and Prof. Piero Zuccaro (in Catanzaro) - and then tried their hand at some masterpieces by the great painters of the past.

This extraordinary didactic experiment lands on May 5th - the anniversary of Piero Guccione's birth - in a refined virtual group exhibition at the Piero Guccione Gallery. Here, until 5 October, thirteen works created by the students of the Fine Arts Academies of Catania and Catanzaro inspired by the reinterpretation of great artists of the past, from Mantegna and Leonardo to Artemisia, but also de Chirico, Magritte and Rothko, will be digitally exhibited.

These are juxtaposed with twenty-five d'après, created by Piero Guccione between 1965 and 2014, in which iconic faces and details of celebrated masterpieces of universal art emerge: works by Caravaggio, Vermeer, Friedrich, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Giorgione, Raphael, Dürer, Masaccio, Courbet, Hayez and Velazquez.

Other exhibitions by Galleria Piero Guccione

Galleria Piero Guccione

Piero Guccione Dolore e Meraviglia (Pain and Wonder)


Galleria Piero Guccione

