Northern Song and Yuan Dynasty, China (1235/1271-1379) - Art

In 1206 already the Mongols under Genghis Khan controlled much of present-day northern China (northern Song) but it was only in 1271 that Kublai Khan declared himself emperor the whole country, with the capital in present-day Beijing. The Yuan dynasty disdained the Han ruling classes until deep into the 14th century but by then it was too late. Widespread corruption and high taxation coupled with floods and plagues, whipped the discontent into open revolt. In 1368 Beijing fell to rebel forces.
The art produced in this tumultuous period is produced both by court painters (and supporters on the new regime) and by the (self-)exiled literati of the former regime. The exhibition has selected 42 paintings from 10 museums located in 4 different countries. There is also a 'taster for the forthcoming exhibition of stoneware and porcelain.

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