Thomas Michel - An Edo Mind in an Otaku World


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The images by Thomas Michel explore the complex relationship between Japan's Edo period and Otaku culture within the context of the metaverse and pop culture in the virtual space. Simultaneously, the exhibition title serves as a metaphor for the rapid global cultural upheaval of the present, where traditional values are increasingly lost in favor of individual self-expression on social media and in the metaverse.

The Edo period (1603-1868) was an era of cultural flourishing and spirituality, characterized by a strong connection to nature and a refined sense of aesthetics. The craftsmanship of this time was distinguished by elaborate decorative patterns, unparalleled in their subtlety and elegance.These patterns served not only as aesthetic elements but also as carriers of deeper meanings and philosophical concepts.

On the other hand, Otaku culture represents a modern subculture defined by its passion for manga, anime, and video games. This consumer-oriented pop culture is characterized by its vibrant colors, eccentric character designs, and glossy surfaces, forming a stark contrast to the restrained elegance of Edo art. Adherents of Otaku culture mirror the psychological dissonance caused by the trauma of World War II, wherein the loss of spirituality in Edo culture is compensated for by superficial consumption and trivial entertainment.

In the metaverse, these two worlds intersect in unexpected ways, as the patterns of Edo art blend with the bright colors and shiny structures of Otaku culture, creating an unseen cosmos of organic intertwined virtual objects. Through his work as a designer, Thomas Michel has experience with digital 3Dobjects. The images shown are screenshots of a topography in the virtual space, which can also be explored three-dimensionally with a Meta Quest headset.

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