岐黃古籍展新姿 ── 莊兆祥教授藏中醫善本古籍展覽 A New Look at Chinese Medicine Classics: An Exhibition of the Rare Book Collection from Professor Cheung Siu-cheong

為慶祝香港中文大學(中大)中醫學院成立二十周年及展示圖書館特藏「莊兆祥教授中醫學藏書」,圖書館於二零一七年九月下旬至二零一八年一月舉辦「岐黃古籍展新姿 -- 莊兆祥教授藏中醫善本古籍展覽」。是此展覽展出珍貴的中醫古籍及介紹一些與古醫家和古籍相關的資料,帶觀者走進傳統中醫的世界。

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the School of Chinese Medicine and to showcase the special collections of “Professor Cheung Siu-cheong Chinese Medicine Collection”, the Library hosted an exhibition titled “A New Look at Chinese Medicine Classics: An Exhibition of the Rare Book Collection from Professor Cheung Siu-cheong” from 28 September 2017 to 30 January 2018 at the University Library. The exhibition presented some of the Chinese medicine rare books and highlight the significant ancient medical masters and their ancient classics in the collection.

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