PAINTINGS by Upper School Artists


Kuratiert von:

Lauren Cook

Welcome to our first virtual interactive 3-D exhibit of artwork by students from St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland! Explore four groups of paintings from
Ms. Cook’s third trimester Upper School Painting course in the two gallery rooms of this exhibit. Visitors should note that this exhibit is created for educational purposes only. For additional information about this exhibit please contact St. Andrew's Episcopal School visual arts instructor Lauren Cook through the contact feature of this exhibit.


Ashley Ansary ‘23
Leah Facciobene ‘24
Yejide Fagoroye ‘23
Max Freedman ‘22
Mutunga Lamin ‘21
Fiona Isis Nganou ‘24
Ethan Rosenberg ‘23
Lauren Safra ‘23
Samuel Segal ‘23
Milenko Stojkovic ‘23

Image credit: Detail from abstract painting by Yejide Fagoroye '23

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Lauren Cook

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