ALS Warriors (scroll down for roadmap)


ALS WARRIORS is a photo-narrative project that uses 1/6th scale military action figures, as a metaphor for battling the ALS disease and for the little known fact that Military Veterans have the highest rate of ALS diagnosis. The project began as a collaboration with my friend Ben Jennnings during the last year of his battle with ALS.

Ben had asked me to photograph his figure collection in scenes that he had imagined. While shooting the first scene, a hand fell off a figure and struck me as a darkly humorous metaphor for his loss of motor function. Ben had a great sense of humor, even in the last days of his fight. I proposed that we create a narrative about his battle with ALS and he agreed. Some images are from Ben's original narrative. Some are collaborations. And some are where I took license independently. All are inspired by Ben and his bravery, grace and humor throughout our collaboration and friendship, and his life.

The project also aims to help support research at Duke University, and to fund a live gallery opening and fundraiser.

ALS Reversals research is led by Dr. Richard Bedlack MD PhD. He and his team have thus far confirmed 55 cases of recovery from ALS (ALS Reversals). They are trying to understand how these happened, and make them happen more often.

Donate To ALS Reversals Research:

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