九十風華帝女花─香港中文大學圖書館任白珍藏展 Unveiling the Splendor of the Flower Princess: An Exhibition from CUHK Library’s Yam Pak Collection in Honour of Dr. Pak Suet Sin’s 90 Years




In appreciation of the generous donation from Dr. Pak Suet Sin and the Yam Pak Charitable Foundation, and to celebrate Dr. Pak’s 90th birthday, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library presented the exhibition “Unveiling the Splendor of the Flower Princess: An Exhibition from CUHK Library’s Yam Pak Collection in Honour of Dr. Pak Suet Sin’s 90 Years” from March 27 to July 31, 2017. The first stage of the exhibition (27 March – 13 May) was reserved for internal preview and for the second stage (14 May – 31 July) it was open to the public.

The exhibition showcased the Library’s invaluable collection of the Sin Fung Ming Troupe’s libretti, stage stills and other photos, among which the Troupe’s clay-print libretti are the most valuable treasures. The clay-print libretti were usually produced in no more than a dozen copies and were accessible only to principal performers, the percussionist, and the stage instructor. They are the relics of the playwrights’ original ideation, glinting with their great creativity. Another set of treasures is the Troupe’s stage stills which perpetuate the glamour of the stage and the glory of its actors and actresses.

We invite our visitors to follow the steps of the Sin Fung Ming Troupe, along the path of Hong Kong Cantonese opera’s development.

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