Froggys by ArtBaffi


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I‘ve been collecting knowledge and specialized skills with computers for twenty years and counting. While my focus has always been vector- and graphic design using the Adobe suite (Photoshop, Flash, etc.), I also contributed to the development of dozens of websites from the ground up with programming, coding and design. Suddenly, with the advent and mainstream adoption of Machine Learning (also known as AI), I‘ve been faced with yet another fundamental transformative movement that expands my line of work literally into limitless directions with infinite possibilities for growth and expansion. The classic definition of art and the capabilities of ML have not yet found widespread acceptance in the mind of audiences. People are quick to dismiss ML-assisted or ML-generated art, although they neglect to consider that each received piece has to be thought of- and fed to the algorithm by a human being. I aspire to challenge that notion by using ML models as the basis for my digital art, although significant effort in classical graphic design as practiced for decades before "AI" was even dreamt about is put into each work to ensure a palpable presence of a human touch no algorithm is capable of replicating. I believe that our future is all about ML and there’s no way around it. Join me in getting started early on.

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