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Anastasia Photo

Philip began his journey as an artist with paints. Growing up, the use of brush strokes and color was his core creative outlet. When he picked up a camera, it did not take long for him to integrate this process using pixels and light. This is where Thurston has found inspiration for previous exhibitions, using slower shutter speed techniques and aligning subjects with movement and time to produce a result that could pass as a painted image.

In wave photography, positioning is critical and often the key factor in determining both the uniqueness and value of an image. Thurston often submerges himself in high risk environments with his camera to capture the breaking wave. This requires confident swimming ability and knowledge of the ocean. In addition, a big part of Thurston’s image capturing process deals with researching and studying weather forecasts. Getting the settings can be the easy part, but being in the right place at the right time comes down to tedious planning and preparation.

Thurston brings his work to life by accentuating the unique characteristics of a wave and emphasizing the light and what it illuminates. For Thurston, a well-planned and composed image should not need a lot of after editing effects. Instead, it should only compliment the energy that has gone into capturing the moment.

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