Exploration of Self - David Kirkman


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Influx Gallery

‘Exploration of self’ is about showcasing the varied nature of David's work. David creates in the moment; being led by his emotions and feelings, he uses this process as a mindful outlet. David's organic style means his original paintings are not planned, so they vary in style, however two elements that flow through his work are colour and contrast. He has found that his work also creates a mindful experience for the viewer, they are captivated by the movement, colour and bold strokes, losing themselves in discovering what the piece means to them. His ‘Abstreet’ originals are lively, with lots of elements to draw people in, his ‘Ethereal’ pieces use metallic mediums to capture hope and change. Lastly, his “Love and Honey” collection of limited edition mixed media prints capture positivity through combining pop and abstract art.
This exhibition wants people to reflect on their own journey of mental wellness and use the pieces to inspire hope, create joy and instil positivity into their worlds.

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