

Kuratiert von:

Maurizio Rosella. MAT

Black and white transparencies vary depending on the viewpoint, thus assuming different readings. Attention is freed from customary focal points and directed towards different forms of interest. From potentially rotatable depictions that reveal different views depending on the position, to a dematerialization of the element: in "Moon's man", the representation only reveals dynamic portions, omitting the object's staticity. Multiple perspectives that, however, never allow one to fully grasp the work (and the author); depicted on the back of the plexiglass, it is perpetually elusive.

(Giulia Giglio)

"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite."
(W. Blake - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell)

In 2000, Bauman introduced the concept of "liquid modernity", an interval in becoming in which the only constant is change and the only certainty resides in uncertainty. A constantly changing time, characterized by a plurality of actions, thoughts, and points of view. A reality that is interpretable and conditioned, on which Maurizio Rosella's (MAT) work invites us to reflect, challenging us to constantly modify our perspective.

Weitere Ausstellungen von Maurizio Rosella. MAT

Maurizio Rosella. MAT

With a fixed/steady gaze

Maurizio Rosella. MAT

" All the Colors of Black "
