Presents Works by Dorothy Kane Courtney


Organisé par :

Donald Courtney

Dorothy Kane Courtney (June 1917- November 1986)
This exhibition's purpose is to remember an accomplished artist - Dorothy Kane Courtney.

Special thanks to Audrey and Joe Courtney, Brian Horan, Tim and Sarah and Stephen Courtney
in making available their collection

Many of us who watched her develop over many years noticed something unusual. Her best
paintings had a tendency to disappear....

Though we have not found the "missing" master works we did manage, through the assist of
friends and family to collect a number of paintings that illustrate her work.

But I will state categorically - her best work (with 2 exceptions) is mostly absent.

As for her best works, the piece from the Horan collection is an example of Dottie's strong oil painting
phase. I personally knew of one that Mother did when we lived on Bloomfield avenue. It was
a marvel. Will we ever find it? At least we have one example that comes near to those missing great works. We ranked this the 2nd place winner after the later period piece of open flowers in the field done with acrylic. Acrylic got first place!

Dorothy was to many of us a very special person who exemplified a generation that is now
long gone. Dorothy will probably be known as the mother of 5 boys - and no girls. But her paintings and photographs were things she worked on continuously over a long period of time. As well as gardening. At one point before moving to Drury Lane West Hartford, her painting became very strong and vibrant, equal in value to professional artists. Her brush and oil technique was painterly and in the best instances were of a high aesthetic expression.

Included in the show are 3 photographs that Dottie took. One in particular - the pool shot at Wampanoag -
has become a family heirloom. Her picture of the "Five" when they were very young at
Bloomfield Avenue besides being adorable is a profound view of 5 very different individuals.
It also shows that her priority was the raising of her 5 boys.

Mrs Palm, an old family friend, once told me that she should have put us all in day care
so she could spend her time painting. But, it was not her way!!

I included two photos that try to capture a bit of the social milieu. The Kennedys and DeKooning - I hope it captures something of the time. Read the description on the NewsWeek photo of De Kooning. Dottie actually made a connection there!

Last comment - I was in West Hartford about a few years before Covid and went to Drury lane
and to my utter delight - the yard was still ringed by pachysandra - undoubtedly from the same
plantings she made many years earlier.

Autres expositions de Donald Courtney