Parenthesis by Gyuk


Curated by:


“Parenthesis” is made by works that aim to reflect emotions in constant movement, a period of time where experimentation, intuition and randomness go hand in hand with figuration to transfer these emotions through bodies represented in personal, unstable spaces, introspective and ephemeral. Vague memories locked up in our memory, bodies like organic elements that merge with each other, know themselves and accept each other. A pulse between beauty and noise that bury shapes and colors in search of a sometimes crude, sometimes restless harmony. (Gyuk, november 2021).

Other exhibitions by Inéditad


Euforia. A virtual solo show by Karynga



Subversió by Albert Bonet



Si no sabes a donde vas / If you don't know where you're going



Distopia by Fernando Romero



Inéditad Drawing Virtual Gallery