The Invisible Witness


Curated by:

Tillian Clegg

My art is a journal, or rather, my paintings illustrate a passage through life, and the images are captures of the heart.
I listen, I watch – I live on the reality of watching. I break the bones of the past into a thousand segments. These simply drift, like moonbeams, into and out of my life.
Don't look for answers in these vistas, you will find only Mystery – the breaking apart of illusion. First I create the illusions then I break them apart. Nothing can be real – that's my dictum. As soon as something is said, I retract it. There is no difference between painting and reading clouds. Sometimes my work dances with jewels, other times it weeps tears of the moon. Always it says nothing, yet invites you to find it’s meaning. My works are mirrors, I only say what you know.

Other exhibitions by Tillian Clegg

Tillian Clegg

New Works 2019-2021