-Helle Müller- People


Diese neue Ausstellung des Fotokünstlers Helle Müller zeigt eine Auswahl an Bildern über hastende, wartende, laufende, entspannende Menschen, alleine, zu zweit und in Gruppen. Individuell, spannend auf seine Art, eigen und unverwechselbar.

Die Aufnahmen entstanden in 2024 in Schwarzweiß und koloriert.

Viel Freude mit diesen tollen Studien.

Axel Wilkens


Our new exhibition by the photo artist Helle Müller shows a selection of pictures about hasty, waiting, running, relaxxing people, alone, in pairs and in groups. Individual, exciting in its own way, unique and unmistakeable.

The pictures were made in 2024 in black/white and coloured.

Have fun with these great studies.

Our gallery presents a wonderful way to meet great artists and to be inspired again and again.

Axel Wilkens

Other exhibitions by Galerie Yeahquadrat Art

Galerie Yeahquadrat Art

Helle Müller - FLOWER (Power!) -

Galerie Yeahquadrat Art

Erik Schomburg -Maybe in three nights-

Galerie Yeahquadrat Art

-Helle Müller- Best Ever?

Galerie Yeahquadrat Art

we love our artists | Group Exhibition with 9 Artists | [today under construction]

Galerie Yeahquadrat Art

RandstadDigital-modernArt-Gallery : Something with Pictures - Art Perspectives | Group Exhibition with 7 Artists | [under construction]