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Virtual Exhibit

I-Matter curates a virtual exhibition that seeks to use art to create dialogues on Mental Health.

Through a socially engaged art experience that breaks down societal stigmas this event offers an opportunity to encounter and understand mental health through the lens of art. Featuring an exhibit and innovative community engagement, iMatter hopes to reach beyond the gallery walls to examine creativity’s role in mental health, resiliency, and compassion to raise mental health awareness.

We would like to invite artists of ages 12-19 years of age to participate in this event to display their art featuring around the theme of mental health. The project's main exhibition, MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS TO ME, explores the impact that mental illness is having on society, and the role the arts can play to both encourage positive self-expression and guide effective mental health promotion and treatment. We would like to take this opportunity to examine creative responses to mental health conditions through the inclusion of artworks made by artists who would like to express their concerns of mental health. This exhibit will give visitors of all ages an opportunity to connect with many unique individuals and gain a deeper understanding of mental health.

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