When Nature Breathes


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GravitArt Gallery

When Nature Breathes is an exhibition about utopia, Rabie´s utopia. Through his imagination and memories, he has painted a world that one can escape to, from the sad reality of conflict over land that overshadows all currently. This new place - his utopia - is for all of nature rather than a place that is contested by humans.

When Nature Breathes extends beyond aesthetics transcending the traditional portrayal of landscapes to delve into nature's essence and its power to transform. It conjures an alternate reality where the roles of humans and the natural world interchange. In this realm, the narrative of human destruction intertwines with the encroachment of nature. Paradoxically, humanity's destructive actions become the impetus for nature's orchestration of revival.
The artist, Mohamed Rabie, re-imagines a universe that draws inspiration from the memories of his childhood in Minya. He envisions through this exhibition a yearning to immerse himself in a primordial society, a utopian existence seamlessly harmonised with the untamed beauty of nature.

Trees metamorphose from vibrant greens to celestial whites, evoking a spiritual metamorphosis that hints at the essence of existence itself.

The artistry showcased within these walls beckons viewers to re-evaluate their place in this intricate web of existence, where the pulse of life resonates in sync with the natural rhythm.

When Nature Breathes is a testament to the enigmatic rapport between humanity and the cosmos. It re-imagines the narrative where nature reclaims its prominence, inviting us to contemplate our pivotal role as observers and participants. Within these colourful brushstrokes and evocative forms, the exhibit muses on the symbiotic dance that connects our journey with the respiration of the Earth itself.

Mohamed Rabie was born in Minya, Egypt in 1986. He graduated from the Faculty of Fine Art in Cairo´s painting department. He is a member of the Fine Artists Association and the General Federation of Arab Archaeologists. In 2011, he won an incentive award from the University of Helwan, followed by a full-time grant from the Ministry of Culture. Mohamed Rabie's artwork is deeply rooted in his hometown's identity. He offers a layered blend of the different eras and cultures that constitute the rich heritage of southern Egypt. By extracting fragmentary concepts from this history, Rabie effectively translates them through contemporary meaning. The result of this transformation is that the viewer of Rabie’s art can immediately connect with the characters depicted. His artwork is part of private collections in Egypt and Dubai, and a permanent collection at the General Authority for Cultural Palaces. He participated in the 6th Beijing International Biennale In 2015 and was among only two representatives of Egypt in China at a workshop for Arab celebrities In 2017. In 2022 he participated in a Group exhibition at Eclectica Contemporary Art Gallery in South Africa and in an exhibition called "Unlimited" In Washington DC-USA. Rabie had six solos exhibitions in galleries in Cairo, Egypt. And also over 20 group art shows in Egypt, including the Bibliotheca Alexandria, Cairo’s Opera House and the Museum of Modern Art, among others.

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