Agents of Change

Welcome to the Agents of Change by Mobile Arts for Peace. This virtual art exhibition features the artworks of young people from 4 countries, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal and Rwanda, which was created during the Mobile Arts for Peace project. These extraordinary works of young people are not only beautiful but also powerful. They represent young people's views on peace in response to problems around them. There are 3 rooms in this exhibition. The first room with the white wall is showing the artwork of young people from Indonesia. In the next room with a blue wall are the drawings/paintings of young people from Kyrgyzstan. Finally, in the third brownish-yellow room, we can see the artworks of young people from Nepal and Rwanda.

There are a total of more than 100 works of art in various forms, ranging from drawings, paintings, photographs, comics, songs, films and performances. These arts-based outputs have been through a long process of ‘incubation’. Started with the process of young people identifying problems using problem tree analysis facilitated by the MAP research team, attending arts-based workshops facilitated by cultural artists, and finally leading their own arts-based research projects that are presented in this exhibition. This exhibition is, however, not the final destination of the MAP project. Instead, this is the beginning of a more fruitful dialogue with peers, teachers, cultural artists, and policymakers, around those topics that young people had raised.

Our sincere appreciation to all MAP young people and MAP research teams in Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal and Rwanda for having been doing such fantastic work. Your creativity is truly inspiring and your voice matters.

Thank you and please enjoy the exhibition!


This exhibition is curated by Vina Puspita
Exhibition team: Camilo Sol Inti Soler Caicedo, Koula Charitonos, Ellen Scott

MAP Principal Investigator: Ananda Breed
MAP in-country team: Harla Sara Octarra, Anara Eginalieva, Tajyka Shabdanova, Anna Smirnova, Bishnu Khatri, Rajib Timalsina, Chaste Uwihoreye, Sylvestre Nzahabwanayo

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