臺灣x泰國x寮國 三贏醫衛合作 Taiwan x Thailand x Laos Triple-win Medical Cooperation

寮國是東南亞唯一的內陸國家,也是最低度開發國家之一。寮國人口總數約710萬人,貧富差距懸殊,由於寮國醫療資源缺乏,整體醫療水平難以滿足寮國百姓的需求。2019年起,彰化基督教醫院與泰國AMATA Corporation PCL企業以及寮國衛生廳合作,共同協助寮國偏鄉醫院及醫護人員能力提升,以達到多贏成果。透過人員培訓及醫療物資捐贈等,提升醫院軟硬體功能,強化寮國醫療服務品質與技能。這包容性的夥伴關係讓台灣、泰國與寮國搭起合作橋梁,也體現應驗聯合國永續發展目標中的最重要的目標 SDG-17,建立全球夥伴關係的最佳實現。

Laos is the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia and one of the least developed countries. The population of Laos is about 7.1 million, with a growing gap between the rich and the poor. Due to the lack of medical resources in Laos, the country's healthcare system does not sufficiently cover all lives. Since 2019, Changhua Christian Hospital has collaborated with AMATA Corporation PCL Thailand and The Ministry of Health of Laos to jointly build the capacity for rural hospitals and medical professionals to create a win-win situation. Through medical personnel training and equipment donation, hospitals in Laos are able to provide quality care and services. The cooperation among Taiwan, Thailand, and Laos successfully create inclusive partnerships to achieve the United Nations SDG 17.

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