The Last Swiss Holocaust Survivors

We find ourselves at a defining moment concerning the transmission of Holocaust, since there are only a few witnesses of this terrible genocide remaining among us. The portraits and stories of Holocaust survivors stand at the center of the exhibition The Last Swiss Holocaust Survivors; they give a personal dimension to Holocaust history and preserve it for future generations. The poignant portraits show the faces of people, whose human dignity was once denied. These are faces that are marked by life stories. We learn glimpses of these life stories in the moving films.


The exhibition The Last Swiss Holocaust Survivors demonstrates through biographies and portraits what can result from anti-Semitism, which is newly ascendant in several countries. Holocaust memory should thus be a warning that racism and anti-Semitism can have significant consequences. It is the responsibility of our generation to carry on the call for «never again.» The exhibition targets above all the young generation and should raise awareness about the value and importance of tolerance.

I would like to wholeheartedly thank all those who were portrayed: thank you for the strength to tell your life stories, and to share with us your experiences and memories, which can sometimes barely be expressed with words.

For more information please visit

Copyrighted images from the Gamaraal Foundation

Other exhibitions by Gamaraal Foundation

Gamaraal Foundation

The Last Swiss Holocaust Survivors

Gamaraal Foundation

The Last Swiss Holocaust Survivors

Gamaraal Foundation

The Last Swiss Holocaust Survivors

Gamaraal Foundation

The Last Swiss Holocaust Survivors

Gamaraal Foundation

The Last Swiss Holocaust Survivors