初中歷史科電子閱讀獎勵計劃 2022 Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2022



The aims of the Award Scheme are to encourage students to learn history through reading, and create a favourable reading atmosphere and culture in school; and to arouse students’ interest in learning history, enable them to engage in self-directed learning through the e-platform, acquire historical knowledge and develop positive values and attitudes.

The 2022 Award Scheme was held from April to August 2022, with about 19,000 students from 148 secondary schools participating, which is the highest in the 4 years. A total of 51 students who performed excellently received the “Merit Award”. 10 student teams with 32 students obtained the “Creativity Award”. Besides, 6 student teams with 22 students received the “Academic Award”. Lastly, as an encouragement, 55 schools received the “School Participation Award” for their participating students attained a completion rate of 75% or above.

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