
Curated by:

Artists Circle

Are we learning to interact in new ways? Are our languages taking shape in imagined and alternating realities, multiverse and polyverse, intimacy and togetherness? Are new connectivities forming deep within our brains to connect Humankind as a whole?

Situated in a moment where the global machine has put its inhabitants at pause, we reflect on a network entangled. Questions of value arise that spotlight our presence in the machine, as well as our willingness to feed it into maturity. A slack in momentum has brought forth new sensory experiences that are shifting the course of humanity. While we sink into ourselves to find better ways to reach towards others, we simultaneously grow in our bodies, and through technology. What does it mean to be human in these new temporal experiences? What knowledge are we gaining in physicality, and how are we utilizing it? Will physicality eventually become synonymous with virtuality? We are at the threshold of a new awareness of embodiment; fixating on how our bodies activate the social, cultural, and global systems.

It is at the dawn of this new reality that we present this exhibition produced in a virtual space. Alone and together, each artist has plunged into the depths of his sensations, experimenting with new mediums, formats and technologies, connecting with his past or future, to produce the fruit of two months of isolation.

The first room "Dis/Continued Connections" brings together the works of six artists who have been able to enter a state of deep introspection, as uncomfortable as it is exciting, between fantasies and shocks of reality. Traces of the past, passing and taking shape, sculpt an unanchored present. The creative process is questioned and reworked through capsules of time, intimacy and foreign elements.

In the second room "New Sensed Reality", the artworks look at the very near and the very far at the same time, inside the being and the universe, through microscopes, MRI scans and interferential colours. It shows a new world where our sensations influence our conscious and unconscious. It gives a new understanding of our body and its substances by mixing nature and technology.

The exhibition showcases artworks from Ana Brinnand, Ashley Middleton (in collaboration with Anna Mechlińska and Bileam Tschepe), Aurora Mititelu, Cherie Birkner, David Pettersson, Diane Drubay, Eric Maltz, Jill Bettendorff, Robert Stanley and Sofia Dimitrova.

Other exhibitions by Artists Circle